NATH logo - main, national association of transpersonal hypnotherapist

Virtual Retreats

Virtual Rejuvenation Retreats

Join our presenters to learn a new technique, brush up on hypnosis, hear about a case study and network with your fellow colleagues! Topics include Hypnosis, Business, and Metaphysical subjects.

4 presenters, 4 hours of talks and time to network and discuss topics following the presentations, all for only $20 members, $25 for non-members
Our retreats are three times a year, quarterly before our conference. These virtual retreats are worth 4hrs. of yearly CEUs!

The classes are also open to the public for an additional cost.



July 27, 2024

11:30 AM – 4:30 PM (EST)

COMING soon- 2024 dates for virtual retreats!


Presenters Needed for our upcoming Virtual Retreats

Do you have a technique, a case study, or a metaphysical modality that works in your hypnosis practice? Whether you are a new hypnotherapist, or a seasoned one, what do you have to offer your other fellow members to energize, educate, or empower them in their practice? Hypnosis, Business, or Metaphysical topics welcomed!