Goals come in all categories, big and small, short and long-term, internal and external, and dowsing can help with all of them.
Added to what is already known about successful goal setting like SMART goals from business coaches and motivational speakers, and manifesting principles from the New Thought Movement, is the importance of tapping into and listening to the voice within to identify:
• your core values,
• your direction in life (this is your core intention also called your ‘why’), and to
• develop and receive on-going guidance and support in following that path from the inner voice of wisdom within.
This allows for amazing things to happen that are also deeply soul-satisfying.
On the mundane side
You can write down your short-term goals (daily or weekly). This is your ‘to do’ list that is a reminder of both what has to be done right now and what you would like to accomplish today. You can then dowse out your priorities of what to focus upon, and the order in which to tackle them.
You can dowse over the yellow pages, a Google listing, Angie’s List, to determine who to call for help. As problems come up to be solved, you can write down a list of possible reasons and another on possible solutions, and dowse these lists out.
Identifying and Clearing Resistance
If you encounter inner resistance on attending to important tasks, or goals that you say you want or need to do, you can use dowsing charts and checklists to locate the reasons for self-sabotage or procrastination: negative beliefs, judgments, doubt and fear, bad memories, and unresolved upsets or trauma.
Should you find any of these inner underlying reasons for being stuck, you can then dowse with clear intent to heal, clear or otherwise to resolve them.
You can also dowse for your level of allowance versus level of resistance for accomplishing any given task or goal. This is done using a percentage chart. With dowsing you can both ask to raise your motivation or level of acceptance of that goal, or lower your resistance to it doing the work – providing that doing so is acceptable on the ‘soul’ level.
Why you need to find your ‘Why’
Whatever your goal, you cannot ignore your soul desires or push against your ‘prime directive’. After a prolonged time of being severely off course and ignoring all the warning bells, your soul can revolt, perhaps setting up ‘accidents’, illness, and other serious problems as an ‘opportunity’ for you to reconsider what you are doing and correct.
Dowsing medium to long-range goals
List what you would like to achieve in the major areas of your life: health, love, relationships, family, home, community, fun/recreation, travel, work, financial, personal growth, spiritual, etc. These would include those things that you want to achieve this year, over the next 5, 10, or lifetime goals.
Then go inside and dowse out the strength of strong motivating energy each goal has for you consciously, subconsciously, and finally on a soul level. Focus your efforts on those with the biggest energetic pull.
Goals fall into categories:
- internal or external – you decide what you want or need to do, or someone else sets them and requires you to comply.
- have deadline dates for completion or are open-ended.
- have strong negative consequences for not doing them or are without sufficiently clear negative consequences
- have strong positive payoffs that motivate you towards action or lack sufficient rewards
- clearly relate strongly to your core values or don’t
- clearly relate strongly to your core purpose/mission/direction in life or don’t relate to just everyday, routine needs (your ‘to do’ list) or deal with the bigger picture for your life
- relate strongly to resolving your on-going issues, negative repeating patterns or not
- relate to resolving a crisis or emergency situation or not
- relate to creating balance in all areas of life or are just focused on one are
One reason that New Year’s Resolutions fail is when they are often just things that ‘would be nice’ if they happened. They may sound good, but lack real strategy, a deadline to finish, or a burning desire to see it to the end. They may sound like things your mother would like you to do like ‘clean up your room’.
What’s your passion?
Goals that tend to get done even when they require tremendous effort are those for which you are committed. You have a burning desire – like getting married, or moving into your own home. I have lots of examples of this from my own life. So watch for an upcoming blog coming soon called “Under, Over, Around and Through”.
Dowsing the Big Picture
Dowsing can also assist you to assess your skills, talents, personality traits, preferences, likes and dislikes, and narrow down your interests to help you identify your life path and primary goals. This is the part that Mark Hurwich and I will spend most of our time discussing on a free teleconference call on February 12.